Voice Over Recording and Production Services

A voice-over is the recording of an off-screen narrator as used in production. With the success of the technology era the world over, there’s an ever-increasing demand for voice-over talent.Voice-overs are used in video games, game shows, documentaries, films, theatre, radio programming, commercial ads and television production.

Maecenas mi tortor, pellentesque a aliquam ut, fringilla eleifend lectus. Maecenas ultrices tellus sit amet sem placerat tempor. Maecenas eget arcu venenatis, sagittis felis.

Phasellus vitae vulputate elit. Fusce interdum justo.

Who we are Contact us

300+ Episodes

We are proud of the Over 300 episodes we have been part of bringing to life

500+ Voice Overs

This is a milestone for us, we look forward to achieving more with you


Client satisfaction is what we strive for in any given projects


Of making a difference in the industry a day at a time

Audio-Visual Translations

What’s more, we also specialise in audio-visual translations and can translate voice-over scripts into any other language.We also offer closed captioning, video editing and audio description services to make any video fully accessible toforeign audiences, the deaf / hard of hearing and blind / visually impaired.

Curabitur ut tortor a orci fermentum ultricies. Mauris maximus velit commodo, varius ligula vel, consequat est.

"Until the lion has his own storyteller the hunter will always tell the best stories!"

African Proverb

“Through the act of translation, we break out of linguistic confinement and reach many other communities”

Ngugi wa Thiong’o (Kenyan Writer)

Allow us to tell your story
for wht are our stories if they are not told to the world

Amani Joseph, C.E.O Amani Grp of Co.

Competitively bridging the gap between Clients and Artists by curving the industry through the highest possible standards

It is a shame that the industry has not paid artists duly for the effort put into the works of art. That is one of the many problems Durica intends to tackle head-on

Telling Stories the african way

Breaking boundaries, promoting and appreciating cultural diversity through story telling.

Nature a home of excellence

Become a regional power house for the appreciation of our cultural diversity

We can't tell all the stories,
but we sure can tell yours

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